Sunday, December 31, 2023

The truth of the matter

It has been one of the worst years on record. I would name it as number 3 out of the top 5 but only because I want to leave space for a number 2 that I may have forgotten or blocked. It's been hell. And I have a lot to say. Let the story commence.

Like all roads led to Rome, all the twisty, winding paths of nonsense lead to Spencer. I would like to blame the women or the idea that he is so broken he just "Doesn't know better" but that doesn't resonate. At some point you have to call a spade a spade and stop making excuses. 

Long story short- I have never met someone who took rejection so hard and acted like such an entitled piece of brass. I've never met someone whose sole goal was to degrade and undermine my spirituality. Never. And I've never seen a group of puppets for whom it worked so well.  It's interesting- the ... I'm just not. Not in my blog. Not in my mind- I am unwilling to give you the power of my energy.

Kill it swiftly. Move on. 

Here is what sucked in 2023- In no particular order (except for the first 3)



Elders whose ears are blind


Dumb kids who make dumb kid decisions then blame everyone else


But especially Randy

My dad getting sick

Southern Colorado


inTerEsting... When I put my mind to it that's all I can come up with.

Yet here was what was good-

My all you can fly pass

George and Karen




The Sydney Opera House



Ada cooking me dinners

Angie showing me respect


Shaunta some more


Selling my house

Pretend retirement

Iris and Jeremy

The beach

The jungle

The preaching campaign

The bible studies- even if they start and stop

Having enough money

The parties, all of them

Workout partners

My kids being ok

The expansion of my family

Making peace with not having ideal sibling relationships

The ability to fly places

The ability to fix things

Cook outs

Family worship projects

Mondays with God

Good works


Love- all kinds of love


61 Flights

My dad 

Lucas Ranch

A new car

Zarainy's visit/move

Not being an asshole sheep



When I put pen to paper it was, in fact, a good year. Malachi 3:10. Still. Some more. You see what you focus on. I need to be mindful of my focus. 


No more man friends

Cultivate the studies

Get the need greater list

Visit the places

Pick one


In the meantime ensure that the letter that follows me is a glowing report

Call out defecation kindly

Take care of my body

Be a good witness

I got this.


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