On being a citizen of the Globe-
Having achieved the life long goal of being attached to nothing so that I can pursue everything, I acknowledge an obvious chasm. At any given point on any given day I could die. The world being an unstable but wonderful place means that the more of it I travel, The more I see, The more deaf I become to the calls to "be careful", The higher my odds of an interesting demise.
Maybe a plane crash. Maybe a current pulling me under while surfing. Maybe a random shooter in an underground poetry café. Maybe a kidnapping while seeing the Holy Lands. Maybe a boa constrictor in the jungle, or malaria. The more I travel that more I expose myself to dangers that I don't know and can't see and am not prepared for.
And yet
I can't
Seem to make it stop.
My travel bug grows with each flight I take. Becoming an all consuming virus. Growing and spreading. Growing and spreading. There is so much right around the river bend. I don't know what I have done to have a life like this. A series of happy accidents and pluck, grit and perspective. But man! I've landed well. I have arrived.
And so if some point you're reading this and I have died some fantastical death, raise your glass.
I did it my way.
On dating a Hustler-
Artists and tortured souls are generally under or unemployed. This means that they have plenty of time to sacrifice to the alter of my ego. When I say, where I say- beck and call.
True; I paid for everything. Which was fine in the moment but inevitably would breed resentment. I eventually couldn't respect someone who was on the grind less than I. They then fell to the wayside. Always.
Having hustled for 20 years, I am reaping the benefits. I find myself still impatient with men who trade in excuses and self indulgence as opposed to trailblazing.
However. A small however, the Hustlers require relationship patience.
An ability to attend to ones self while they are on the grind. That's new.
Makes me want to get a job or start a business or acquire another degree to fill my time.
Maybe this is how the successful become successful. This inability to sit still and wait for the next best thing. This incessant drive to be accomplishing something.
A world full of ideas and money to be made.
I mean he's busy. Might as well.
Problem is being grinds being what they are- 2 hustlers in a relationship is not sustainable. Someone has to sit at home and mind the hearth.
that sounds... boring.
I signed up for this train. Let's see where it goes.
i am not not hopeful. i am not hopeful. i am not not hopeful.
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