Sunday, February 5, 2023


In a relationship

Out a relationship.

In a relationship

Out a relationship.

In a relationship

Out a relationship.

Relationships come and go for me like the tide. They ebb and flow. Back and forth. I live my life like the river. Always on the move. Always changing. Always on my way to become the next thing. 

I have never been a pond or a puddle or a lake. I have never been bound; by life, by circumstance, by limitations. Like the water, I find a way.  Water always finds a path- or creates one. Water takes the path of gravity. Just down. It just moves down. And then it gets so hot, so small, so light- that it transforms and ascends. Water never ever fights. It adapts and releases. Finds friends in the sky and makes a party until it becomes so heavy that it heads back to terra forma. Where the party splats, breaks up and starts all over again. Water is content in all it forms. Small like evaporation and heavy like ice. Alone as it grows and together as it journeys. 

I am water. Sometimes light, sometimes heavy, sometimes alone, sometimes together, sometimes soft, sometimes harsh, sometimes gentle, sometimes loud- always pervasive. Always growing. Always finding a way. I am water. Everything and nothing all at the same time. I am not afraid of fire. I can not kill me. I simply evolve to my next phase and start the journey anew. 

I am water. 

Life saving.

Life giving.




I am water.


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