Rule # 1)
This is the most important key to dating a Dewberry. In many cases, when confused, revisiting this rule will clarify the situation for you. This is the cornerstone to successfully dating a Dewberry-
Assume she is oblivious to your intentions.
Dewberry, in general, is easily distractible and if not implicitly told of your intention she will not even notice. How can someone so smart be so clueless? I have no idea, it's simply part of the charm. Dewberry needs things spelled out. Clearly. In Small Words. Probably a few times. Trust me on this- if you don't say it; she ain't thinkin it.
Step 1)
Tell her you like her. Romantically. If you don't specify romantic interest she will assume that you like her as a human and as she is a likeable human that will both come as no surprise nor will it register that it is significant information.
This conversation will take her by surprise, you will get one of two reactions.
A) She will listen carefully, nod, smile and begin to tell you how great you are. She will then go on to explain that you are too good for her and therefore she wouldn't want to burden you with the excess of humanity that is a Dewberry. She will convince you that you are too good for her, there is a better fit for you, and that your world is a much better place without her. This is a rejection. She is not interested. She has been perfecting her "It's not you, It's me" speech forever. She is great at it.
She'll probably act a little crazy too to convince you that you dodged a bullet. This is a compliment to you.
B) Full on panic attack. Inclusive of hyperventilating, floor laying, pacing, feeling like she is being smothered, and copious amounts of alcohol. The expression, "I'm a peacock, ya gotta let me fly." will be in repetitive refrain. Expect colorful language and plenty of F-bombs. This means she likes you.
Dewberry loves the unknown. The unknown is her drug. The idea of a man that she likes liking her back causes her to see the future as written as opposed to unwritten. There is nothing scarier to Dewberry than monotony. She loves love and is good at it but the theoretical is her sweet spot.
Rule # 2)
When Dewberry is in full panic mode let it happen. Like a Spring Storm it will be intense, violent, wild, and unpredictable. It will also dissipate quickly and leave the landscape of her emotions cleansed, the air sweet and a beautiful rainbow. Just sit down and let it happen. If you panic and leave it's over. She will decide in that moment that you can't handle her bigger feelings and you will not be her forever.
Sit back and enjoy the storm. It'll be a good story later.
Step 2)
Begin as you intend to go on. Dewberry's love language is Quality Time, be willing to invest. That does not mean that she is needy. She just figures that a relationship, like anything done well, requires time and attention.
Dewberry understands busy. She is busy. But her expectation is that you talk often, even just to say hi, and that you make time when she asks for time. Note- this will not be often as she will frequently forget that she is in a relationship until you remind her. This is not a reflection of how she feels about you, she is simply busy.
Rule # 3)
Be interesting. Dewberry spends a lot of time reading everything. She has a lot of opinions that are debatable; she is insightful and an interesting conversationalist. Being able to discuss and debate new ideas, thoughts and opinions keeps her brain engaged. Dewberry finds smart sexy. Have something to talk about. She will. But she will expect a conversation not a dissertation. She can lecture at work.
Have hobbies, have ideas, have stories, have reflections, have words. Make her laugh. You are dating a writer. Her brain is her heart.
Step 3)
Keep things interesting. Dewberry is not picky about activities but she does figure that life is short, the world is big, and the opportunity for activities is infinite.
Museums, poetry cafes, walks, Walmart, bike rides, rafting, cooking class, painting, dancing, workout together, make candles, hiking, literally anything.... Dewberry is always down for an adventure. Find something random and free, throw any dart, take her. She will love you for it. For Dewberry it's not the what you do, it's the time investment and the memories being built. See step #2.
Rule # 4)
Dewberry has literally traveled the globe. She has had a little and she has had a lot. You will not be able to impress her with "things." Things to not mean much to her in the materialistic sense. They are meaningful to her because they remind her that you love her and that even when you are not physically with her, you think of her. She will find this endearing.
Step 4)
Have a plan and tell her the plan. Dewberry is goal oriented. She does not like ambiguity on any level and in any area of her life. You don't have to know when you are going to take the relationship to the next level- whatever that may be- but you should know that your levels are, what you are looking for, and when/if it's attained. Dewberry will not date you forever. If you aren't interested in long term commitment she will not continue to spend her time with you once she figures that out.
Dewberry has an internal clock wired to her hard drive. Her hourglass sand is cascading. Once time is up it is doubtful that she will flip the timer back around for you. All you will know is that you have lost her.
There you have it- How to Date a Dewberry in 4 easy steps.
The question may beg to be answered- why go through all the trouble of dating Dewberry? Well- being with a Dewberry is every single one of your fantasies come to life. Sweet and sassy, hot and cold, tender and tough, savory and spicy. Dewberry is an additive dish consumable only by those willing to do the work.
"The Dewberry is a purple berry that is related to the blackberry. It is a delicate berry that is sweet and tangy at the same time. It grows in the wild and can not be preserved for later consumption. Attempting to preserve a Dewberry ruins the berry. Dewberrys have thorns and thrive in warmth. They have an intense flavor that will explode on your tongue."
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