Sunday, May 5, 2019

In respect to God...

The unexpectedness of my life always seems to amaze me. The effectiveness of prayer never fails to humble me. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is real and that prayer works. I know this to be true. Yet for some reason when I see that prayer is working in my behalf I am always a little bit surprised. Like a child talking to a parent whom you assume is distracted and then they show up the next day with that exact toy/meal/flavor of ice cream that you were telling them about. You are both surprised and surprised at your being surprised.

I know God is good. I know this with every fiber of my being. I KNOW it. But it still catches me unawares of how carefully he listens and how thoroughly he answers. I always wonder- are my prayers special? Does everyone feel like this? Why me? I am not remarkable or special or even very good. I make so many mistakes. But I try. And I don't give up. I never give up. Maybe that's enough.

In respect to a recent trial, every single asterisks on every single list (yes, there were multiple) was hit and underscored. To perfection. How can anyone really say that God isn't real? How can anyone say that He isn't interested? Doesn't listen?


Really very crazy talk.

Jehovah is the best. He hears, He listens, He watches, He acts.


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