Friday, February 22, 2019

To the Hommies

I had sat down tonight to write a gratitude journal. My day had ended on a slightly sour note and I wanted to refocus by focusing on the things that make me happy. In the interim I called my best friend and we chopped it up about life, about love, and about the injustices of them all. All of the things that had gotten under my skin I described, in vivid detail, to her. Her feedback was basically suck it up and take a video so that she can laugh about it later. Thank God for good friends.

Sometimes you need someone to commiserate with you and then tell you to get over it. Someone who agrees that while it is not fair, it is your situation and your responsibility to deal with it in grace and love. Sometimes you need someone both on your side and willing to take the other side. I am so grateful that I have that in my life. That and a glass of white wine.

When I spend any amount of time thinking about why I am not married I circle back to how full my life is sans husband. Income? Check. Fulfilling career? Check. Companionship? Triple check. Someone to listen to my worries? Check. Someone to laugh at me and tell me not to take myself so seriously? Double check. Amy crazy fact checker? Check. So much love that my heart is full? Check. Plus the freedom to adventure and find new friends? Check. The ability to buy $200 thigh high boots that no girl who is not a prostitute needs? Check. Being single is pretty fantastic in my book. But it is only fantastic because of the people whom  I am honored to have in it.

I love my friends. They breathe air into my life. They color my world, honestly mostly outside of the lines but that’s what draws me to them. The permission that I don’t have to follow the rules but I do need to know and acknowledge them. Keeping me grounded and letting me fly.

This blog is a gratitude to friendship. I’m so happy I have you all in my life.

Love you-


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