There are days when you get that feeling. The one that feels like your throat is closing and something is sitting on your chest and your eyes tingle then burn. Some days are like that. All you can do is wait for it. Wait for it to resolve. Wait for the sun to come back up. Wait for the silver lining to appear. All you can do is hang on to hope.
Hope is a rather elusive thing. It's a mindset really. In order to have hope you can't have yet attained the thing that you are wishing for. It has to be just beyond your grasp. Maddening, that. Many times the things that you hope for deflate. And you have to console yourself in knowing that there is still something else to hope for. It seems to be a paradox. Can't have what you want. Have to find something else to want. If I had more energy it would anger me.
But I don't. Instead I will sit on my hands and curl into a ball and try very hard not to move until the sun comes back up.
At the same time...
Coulda been worse
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