Saturday, November 2, 2024

Writers Write

I got the second part of a root canal yesterday. Thinking she was just going to "check" me I stacked appointments and ended up causing the Endodontist to pause another root canal to attend to mine. I recognize that I should feel entitled for that but I don't. I had arrived early and waited over an hour in the chair while overhearing her patiently answer the same 5 questions from 3 family members who's sister/cousin/daughter was getting the same said procedure. I was, in fact, ready to excavate the dental chair when I wondered if I, already having paid for the procedure, would have to cover the cost of the Novi cane that had been injected 30 minutes ago. As I was preforming a cost/ risk analysis the Endodontist made an appearance, her assistant having noticed the grip on my purse tightening after I checked the time. 

This is not a blog about a root canal. But it begins to take shape as a blog about boundaries and expectations. I have been saying, frequently, that as women we set our value. People will give to us what we allow and we have been whitewashed into thinking that having what we are given is better than having nothing. An economy of scarcity. I reject this idea in actionable terms. The idea of waiting the Endodontist out and missing my doctor's appointment was not worth my time, it was not a tradeoff I was willing to make. I was not on her time, she was on mine.

I have recently, categorically, been setting higher and higher expectations about how I will and will not be treated. And let's be frank- I've never allowed myself to be treated poorly. But somewhere in the past year something in me decided to raise the bar. Last year in Puerto Rico I had decided to "call out defecation kindly" which led me on a journey wherein people whom I had previously let get away with being (let's face it) a bit shitty, I began to call on their bullshit. In general, they did not like it. 

I had mildly wondered as I started this process if it would equate to loss. It has yet I do not feel bereft. My observation is that for every person unwilling to treat me well, there were others who were. And the less I cared about my aloneness the more they want to gather around me. Factually- the less nonsense I tolerate the more people seem to like me. I am guessing that when people see someone stand up for themselves it emboldens them to try to do the same- but I don't really know. That's not my journey. 

What I do know is that somehow or another I've ended up with what seems to be a tribe of fierce supporters who don't really know me but seem to love me. It's kinda weird- but it is Texas. Everything is bigger here, perhaps even the capacity for acceptance and affection. 

The real story that I want to tell is about pain management. After part 1 of my root canal the doctor had prescribed "5 Advil and 2 Tylenol every 6 to 8 hours". She recommended starting the dosage 3 hours from the procedure as the numbing effects would begin to wane about then. Fearing the pain, I did as directed. I felt no pain, my root canal was as effortless as clouds on a sunny day.

This time I decided to listen to my body. It wasn't an attempt at bravery, it was a busy day and I hadn't brought the Advil and Tylenol with me. Additionally, I didn't think it was a good idea to drive around  running errands with that much drugs in my system.  By the time I had eaten dinner I could feel both sides of my mouth and the pain wasn't significant enough to decide to chemically manage it. So I forgot about it. 24 hours later I have full feeling and didn't need any pills to manage the pain. Which meant I felt no pain and my life moved forward without the constraints of legal drugs. 

Me being myself I spent about 45 minutes meditating on why this was the case and what I could learn. I realized that the reason one needs a root canal is because the nerves in the tooth are dead. Which means they can't feel pain. I had only been in pain previously because the dead nerves had rotted in my tooth and caused an infection that was quickly multiplying in my jaw. Side note- the smell when she drilled into my tooth to remove the decay was exactly what one would expect- the smell of death in ones mouth. Weird. Anyway, with the nerve rot removed and a flushing of the infection my body literally had no ability to feel pain in that area. What had died couldn't hurt me and keeping it around had only caused me pain. 

Here is what I learned; leaving a dead thing to rot only smells and creates a pain point. Getting rid of a dead thing is fast, painless, and while smelly, easier than one would expect. Relationships are like that. You think that removing a dead one will hurt but really it's much more painful to leave it in than flush it out. Something already gone, a relationship already dead, can't hurt you when you let it go. It just makes room for something else, even if that something else is extra space and freedom. It is your extra space and freedom and suddenly the area no longer smells bad. Having nothing is better than having a smelly rotten dead thing. Both literally and metaphorically.

Perhaps the true art to life is understanding when it's time to let something go.

Pain free-


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lungs full of air

It is quiet. At 9:03 on a Saturday night at the end of August. I sit in my house. The television is not on. The radio is not on. There is no noise other than the low and steady humm of the dryer.

I had a plan to be out tonight. A carefully orchestrated day that included God and peopling and ministering and going out. I got dressed up. Pretty Summer dress and a necklace. I got in the car.  I drove to the aforementioned activity of the evening- Blues, Brews & BBQ.  And then I kept driving. Right back to my house. Ending up right back on my couch.

Perhaps it was the 2 hours of swimming that followed the hour of ministry that followed the 2 hours of meeting. Perhaps it was the steak fajitas. Perhaps it was listening to people talk all day. Perhaps it is knowing that tomorrow I have service and am hosting a picnic, weather permitting, that will require me to be social all over again. Perhaps it is I just prefer to be at home. 

I think that my soul is at rest. I don't feel restless. I think that for the first time in my life that waters that engulf my heart are absolutely still. I have no desire to be anywhere but exactly where I am. That's crazy. 

And peaceful.

And an exhale. 

Tonight, I am on the exhale.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Being Pulled Apart

There are some little girls who dream of a wedding day. They have a trousseau and a vision board. Swatches of lace and silks picked out. The groom is as decorative as the floral arrangements. Necessary to complete the ensemble but secondary to the planning of the actual day. They play dress-up wedding. They dream and buy and plan.

And then there's me. The idea of a wedding gives me hives. Literally. The visions of walking down the aisle makes me want to vomit and the thought of FOREVER resounds in my head like Smalls on the Sandlot. I was not built to be caged. 

Unfortunately I also love men and romance and flowers and sex. My dual needs are incompatible. Where does that leave me? Torn.

What do I know to be true in this moment on this day?

Dads are great.

I don't want to be 60 and single.

He is trying really really hard to keep me happy.

I am being unfair in looking for reasons to be unhappy.

Because I love single as much as I love married.

If Jehovah says it's a gift it's a gift.

... the gift was of a woman to the man. 

... the gift was no longer being alone. 

... the gift was not marriage, it was companionship.

I affection him.



Friday, June 21, 2024

What I mean is....

 My verbal words are often filtered through a strainer that tastes like fear. Smells like fear. Is fear.

My written words never are. I often argue with you playing both sides in my head. I filter your words through a red-orange fog of self doubt and respond through a bullhorn of defense. The things I say never match up with the things I want to say and I always leave the conversation quite baffled at how my words became so mangled. A train wreck of words from which I couldn't unsay.

I do this often. All the time in fact, with every guy that forces me to slow down and "date". My relationship filter kicks in when it senses my heart is in danger and commences a code red counter attack. I am irrevocably broken. And yet unapologetically brave. Until I'm not.

Fear is not a bad thing. We've all seen Inside Out 1&2. Anxiety is not a bad thing. They are useful things. But then they take over the cognitive control board and before you know it you're saying-

"I'm ready to be done"

when what I wanted to say is;

"Don't give up on me"


"If you're still in my life"

when what I mean is;

"Let's plan a vacation"

My fear filter is vicious. And it is brutally effective. This isn't too say that the things that worry me aren't worrying me. Or that growth and reciprocity aren't vital in any adult life. There is space for those things can be true too. 

I don't know if one day the right person will be able to silence the bullhorn and render neutral the fear or if this is what it will continue to be. 

I know that right now, in this moment, I feel both sadness and relief. And curiosity.

Will you, are you, made to hear me through my words- not when it's easy but when it's hard, when my fear filter is on and doing her best to protect me; OR will you see the fog and hear the bullhorn and remember you've only come for the smoke and mirrors? You just wanted a good show. Only time will tell.

Ahhhhh. The blog. My words are loosed. My soul is at peace.


Sunday, June 2, 2024


 I haven't blogged in almost 6 months. 

That is amazing. So much has happened and mostly good. 

But like a newborn, I don't want anybody else to hold my baby. 

Hugging it close, I choose Stingy.


Monday, February 5, 2024

I love being a writer

I don't spend enough time, or give enough credit, to the idea of my written words. I love writing. I love being a writer. I love the idea of canvassing the dictionary to find the right words to exactly express how I am feeling. I love the fact that feelings can flow through my fingers onto the written page and heal themselves. I love that I can look back months and remember what I have already figured out or years and remember who I was that made me who I am. I love who and whom and words that resonate in all of the recesses of my mouth. 

I love that I can feel something, then I can think it, then I can crystalize it in black and white. I love being a writer. It is who I am. It is what I am. 

Perhaps it is words that are the love of my life. The men give fodder to my real passion. That of speaking my truth and speaking my feelings and knowing that somewhere somehow there is someone for whom these words will reverberate. I never know how my words will end. They think and birth themselves without conscience thought from me. I read them as I write them and I am as surprised as you when they appear on the screen. A locked room in my heart the key to which is a keyboard and the path to which is a blog. All I know is that when I sit down to write I am hurting and tight. When I am finished I can breathe. 

I am usually unaware that I have a demon on my chest when I start writing. The words suffocate it. Every single time.

Things I know to be true:

Spencer still sucks

But my kids like him

My kids have no taste

God is love

God loves me

Jehovah listens

He is trying to teach me something

It is JUST beyond my grasp

I will know it when I see it

Life is better when you focus on love

focus on love



Sunday, December 31, 2023

The truth of the matter

It has been one of the worst years on record. I would name it as number 3 out of the top 5 but only because I want to leave space for a number 2 that I may have forgotten or blocked. It's been hell. And I have a lot to say. Let the story commence.

Like all roads led to Rome, all the twisty, winding paths of nonsense lead to Spencer. I would like to blame the women or the idea that he is so broken he just "Doesn't know better" but that doesn't resonate. At some point you have to call a spade a spade and stop making excuses. 

Long story short- I have never met someone who took rejection so hard and acted like such an entitled piece of brass. I've never met someone whose sole goal was to degrade and undermine my spirituality. Never. And I've never seen a group of puppets for whom it worked so well.  It's interesting- the ... I'm just not. Not in my blog. Not in my mind- I am unwilling to give you the power of my energy.

Kill it swiftly. Move on. 

Here is what sucked in 2023- In no particular order (except for the first 3)



Elders whose ears are blind


Dumb kids who make dumb kid decisions then blame everyone else


But especially Randy

My dad getting sick

Southern Colorado


inTerEsting... When I put my mind to it that's all I can come up with.

Yet here was what was good-

My all you can fly pass

George and Karen




The Sydney Opera House



Ada cooking me dinners

Angie showing me respect


Shaunta some more


Selling my house

Pretend retirement

Iris and Jeremy

The beach

The jungle

The preaching campaign

The bible studies- even if they start and stop

Having enough money

The parties, all of them

Workout partners

My kids being ok

The expansion of my family

Making peace with not having ideal sibling relationships

The ability to fly places

The ability to fix things

Cook outs

Family worship projects

Mondays with God

Good works


Love- all kinds of love


61 Flights

My dad 

Lucas Ranch

A new car

Zarainy's visit/move

Not being an asshole sheep



When I put pen to paper it was, in fact, a good year. Malachi 3:10. Still. Some more. You see what you focus on. I need to be mindful of my focus. 


No more man friends

Cultivate the studies

Get the need greater list

Visit the places

Pick one


In the meantime ensure that the letter that follows me is a glowing report

Call out defecation kindly

Take care of my body

Be a good witness

I got this.