It is quiet. At 9:03 on a Saturday night at the end of August. I sit in my house. The television is not on. The radio is not on. There is no noise other than the low and steady humm of the dryer.
I had a plan to be out tonight. A carefully orchestrated day that included God and peopling and ministering and going out. I got dressed up. Pretty Summer dress and a necklace. I got in the car. I drove to the aforementioned activity of the evening- Blues, Brews & BBQ. And then I kept driving. Right back to my house. Ending up right back on my couch.
Perhaps it was the 2 hours of swimming that followed the hour of ministry that followed the 2 hours of meeting. Perhaps it was the steak fajitas. Perhaps it was listening to people talk all day. Perhaps it is knowing that tomorrow I have service and am hosting a picnic, weather permitting, that will require me to be social all over again. Perhaps it is I just prefer to be at home.
I think that my soul is at rest. I don't feel restless. I think that for the first time in my life that waters that engulf my heart are absolutely still. I have no desire to be anywhere but exactly where I am. That's crazy.
And peaceful.
And an exhale.
Tonight, I am on the exhale.