Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Not following advice

 The lady, using a torrent of words, said to write every day. 

Write. Every. Day.

I am curious, if I am to write every day will writing become a chore? Something like the laundry or the dishes or the bed that I do not make every day?

I write if and when and where I have something to say. As talkative as I am most things don't require a daily commemoration. 

Is this what writers do? Write every day? I don't think that I will be that type of writer. I am, unfortunately, the kind of person who prefers creating a path than following one. I know that following a path will lead me to sure results. I know that I waste a lot of time meandering in circles. Often surprised when I end up back where I started, I find it funny, like life has played a joke on me. The Where's Waldo footsteps in my map of life looking very loop to loopy. I find my circles entertaining.

She says to be a writer one must write every day. I won't. I already know this to be true of myself. But I will purposefully write more. Take my craft to places and make up pretend stories about people I see  there. Like the artists with sketchbooks at the MET. 

I will practice.

I will submit.

I will not write every day.